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Posts Tagged ‘cream’

how to make butter (and buttermilk!)

In recipes, step by step how to make ... on May 10, 2012 at 10:30 pm

Despite the intimidation that seeing a butter churn might instill in you, butter is actually incredibly easy to make.  And if you can get your hands on raw, grass-fed cream locally, then you are going to be very pleasantly surprised at your ability to make such fresh butter available in your very own kitchen!

Step by step instructions with photos:  

The reason to put emphasis on grass-fed butter is based on the natural yellow color of the butter itself.  The yellow color indicates the presence of vitamin K2, or the “Activator X” that Weston Price was talking about in his research of traditional diets.

Regardless of whether you are using raw or pasteurized cream, as long as it is grass-fed you will be getting the vitamin K2 in your butterfat.  This is because the vitamin K2 does not break down under heat.  (This is also good news for store-bought, grass-fed butter, because when you use it in a cake, cookie, or other baked good, then you are still getting your vitamin K2.)

Homemade butter is made from cream that is whipped for so long that it separates into solid butter and buttermilk.  You press the butter together and squeeze out all the buttermilk, separating them into two useful items!  Use the butter for anything your heart desires, and save the buttermilk for soaking flour, making pancakes, or even culturing the buttermilk to make it probiotically alive!

If you use raw cream in particular, then you will be left with raw butter and raw buttermilk.  Raw butter is best eaten unmelted if possible.  This is not for the benefit of the vitamin K2, but for the benefit of the enzymatic and probiotic raw qualities of having raw butter on hand.  Take advantage of those extra goodies by using your homemade raw butter for eating cold, and using your store-bought butter for baking and melting.

Step by step instructions with photos: