bellatrix nutrition

cure tooth decay:heal and prevent cavities with nutrition

In books on July 14, 2012 at 4:01 pm

Forget about drilling, filling, and the inevitable billing. Your teeth can heal naturally because they were never designed to decay in the first place! They were designed to remain strong and healthy for your entire life. But the false promises of conventional dentistry have led us down the wrong path, leading to invasive surgical treatments that include fillings, crowns, root canals and dental implants.

Why is our modern society so plagued by tooth decay? Did indigenous people from primitive cultures suffer as we do, with rotting teeth? Knowing the cause of the problem is always the first step in correcting it. Ramiel Nagel, in this book about curing tooth decay, addresses these questions and much more. Ramiel does an excellent job exposing the root of the problem. He explains the difference between true prevention and just temporarily treating the symptoms.

The author is not a doctor or a dentist, but became intensely interested in the subject of curing tooth decay due to his young daughter’s badly decaying teeth. This situation caused him to be fearful and it was this fear and his love for his daughter which motivated him to find a solution to his daughter’s pain and suffering.

I have come to learn through much negative experience with the mainstream medical system, that knowledge acquired through medical school, which is mostly funded by the drug companies and other corporations, is not designed to serve the public’s best interests. It is instead designed for profit. Discouraging natural preventative and curative treatments, while promoting only symptomatic treatments, allows the disease process to progress underneath the surface and provides an avenue for future profits. Ramiel Nagel reveals how this conundrum is especially relevant to modern dental care. I love the following example he uses to illustrate this concept.

“In this example, imagine that a tooth is an orange. Imagine a rotting orange, with a small moldy spot. The moldy spot is equivalent to tooth decay. The equivalent of a dentist placing a dental filling would be removing the moldy spot with a knife and filling the spot with glue. Once the mold is removed, the decay process temporarily slows down. A few more days sitting out, and another moldy spot forms. This is just like how, over time, tooth decay continues to progress even after you get a filling.”

Ramiel travels a bit farther with this comparison, including the root canal procedure.

The author’s purpose in writing this book is to share information with readers which will aide them in taking responsibility for their own dental care and for the dental care of their children. Nagel has researched the groundbreaking works of Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who traveled the world, comparing the health of indigenous people eating their native diets, to those in or near the cities who were consuming refined foods. Dr. Weston Price found, without exception, that those eating the unrefined natural foods had very strong constitutions, moral character and well formed facial and jaw structure. Their health was so excellent that there was no need for doctors or prisons. Those eating the denatured foods, in the more “civilized” areas, had to deal with deformed sinus and jaw structure, rotting teeth, increased crime and increased susceptibility to infectious disease.

Nagel stresses the importance of fat soluble vitamins and activators. He explains what they are and what foods supply them. Activators are natural substances, which are not usually present in our modernized diets. They are needed to aide the absorption of important vitamins and minerals. He talks about the importance of eating some foods raw and fermented, including dairy products and organ meats. Fish liver oil also plays an important role in dental and overall skeletal health.

The book provides a daily guideline or protocol for curing and preventing tooth decay. Ramiel lists the foods which are important in helping to form strong teeth and bones. He also lists food to avoid. He tells us it is not possible to regrow a whole tooth but decay can be stopped and hard dentin can be formed over the pulp of a decayed tooth, which prevents pain and the need for a root canal. Our body’s calcium phosphorus ratio needs to be in balance and so do our blood sugar levels. I’d like to include one more quote from page 37 of “Cure Tooth Decay”

“The longer your blood sugar is out of balance, and the greater the imbalance, the more the calcium and phosphorus ratios are altered, and thus the higher the likelihood of tooth decay. This explains why frequent snacking on sugar causes significant decay; the blood sugar remains out of balance for a longer period of time, causing more calcium to be removed from the bones. This also illustrates that even natural sugars from fruits, natural sweeteners, and alcohols can contribute to tooth decay. All of them can place the blood sugar level out of balance.”

Nagel also includes discussion on root canals, fillings, the dangers of fluoride, xrays and a special section on children’s dental health. I found this book to be packed with helpful common sense information. I will keep it close by as a personal guide to not only achieving superior dental health but also general overall health. Our teeth are one of the outward visible manifestations of the internal balance and health of the body.

Ramiel Nagel has no conflicts of interest, no products to sell, except his book, which he hopes will reach and help many overcome and prevent tooth decay. This is a very different type of health book, written from the heart. The information provided is rooted in trial and error experience along with extensive research into the works of Dr.Weston Price, dentist Melvin Page, anthropologist Leon Abrams, and others. The dietary advice put forth in this book is not only crucial for preventing tooth decay but for preserving the health of the human race.

Buy on Amazon: Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition

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